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What We do


Learning For Good can assist you in creating scale, whether you are an organization looking for better platform for course delivery or purely a creator of education resources, you're in the right place.
A man holding drum stick representing a creative person


For Content Creators

Here are the most frequently asked questions regarding our services for content creators and Not-For-Profit organizations. If you have other questions, you can always get in touch and contact the LFG team.

I have made some great resources, can I get in touch?

Yes! We are ready to support those who already doing good. We support not-for-profit organizations as well as other content creators in a couple of ways.

1. We can create a custom platform for you. An organizational hub for course delivery, staff and learner communication with a resource library and much more.

2. Scale and increase reach of your online educational resources to schools and community organizations.

You can choose one, the other, both, or perhaps you're a little in-between. It's always good to have a conversation to determine how we can best support you. Contact us at

Can I run classes with Learning for Good?

Yes. One of the services we provide is to create a hub of learning for organizations. An online platform, to administer, manage and facilitate learning. This platform allows the organization to create learner portals with advanced course management. You can bulk register classrooms, manage assessments and gradebooks, and schedule online sessions. Learner, parent and staff communication and staff registration are just a few functions.
Contact us for more information.

Do I lose ownership of my content?

No. Your content, your business, your brand is owned by you.

We have two types of content creators:
1. Those who want a learning hub of their own to manage online lessons and run their organization.
2. Those who purely have education resources wanting to scale to schools and community groups.
Learning for Good is here to elevate and support.

I use a learning management platform, can LFG make me a better one?

Yes, and let's be clear. An LMS is a Learning Management System, there are many, and they are not all equal.

We are finding clients have limitations with their current LMS which is hindering size and growth. We can integrate any existing system into your new custom Learning for Good LMS, which will allow growth of size, resources and support.

If you do not have a platform, and that's what you're looking for, we are happy to assist.

Contact us either via the contact us form or at