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Muswellbrook Public School

Case Study

Suzie Troon shares her key for instant engagement in the classroom.

I’m a K-6 teacher, having taught all across the school. Music wasn’t being taught in other classes because teachers didn’t feel that they had the skills. They’d just leave it out because unfortunately there’s so much other stuff to do in the curriculum and music doesn’t always get a look in.
I’m not a trained music teacher, but I’m just so keen for the kids to experience music. Thankfully my school has allowed me to expand this over the years.

I feel confident with the resources on Learning For Good as they make it easy and accessible to start and continue. With each resource there are pdfs that I like to print off and have on hand. This way I know exactly what to expect, what the outcomes are, and any equipment needed. 

The kids are instantly engaged with Junkyard Beats. I like the freedom to use the resources how I like, whether it’s a brain break or 5 minute activity between lesson transitions. It gets us awake and refreshed, ready to work together again.

Music is so important for children to be learning all through school. It’s an opportunity to be creative, collaborative with their peers and feel confident in themselves. Lots of kids aren’t great at writing or maths or the focus work in class. So we can have a music break or an entire lesson where they can express themselves and feel success there. Children can be heard and be valued in a way that may not always be valued in regular classes with academic learning.

These days mental health and wellbeing is so important for teachers and the kids, and music is a chance for them to relieve some of their stress. Children with behavioural issues often need this outlet which allows them freedom to express themselves physically and have positive interactions with their peers. 

I have seen the difference in children I teach, in the way they express themselves easier in class and are more creative. Having a musical outlet where they can sing, and dance, join in with each other with body percussion – or have their own ideas - gives them that relief and enjoyment where there is no wrong answer.

With each resource there are pdfs that I like to print off and have on hand.
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This school uses digital resources available through the Learning for Good portal.

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