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School resources

Learning for Good is an ACNC registered charity that provides a pathway from those who create high quality school resources to schools and communities.

School resources FAQs

Here are our most frequently asked questions about School resources. If you have other questions, please get in touch.

Who is Learning For Good?

Learning For Good is an ACNC registered education charity that offers a variety of support to both ends of the education journey; those who create education resources, and educators who are looking for resources to enrich learner experience.

We can also provide a digital platform for organizations who want an independent education hub, delivering internal courses with private access, resource library, staff communication and more.

So whether you're running an education organization, purely a creator of educational content, or a teacher of any kind. We have you covered!

That's a lot to take in, please continue reading our other FAQs or contact us for more info.

I have made some great resources, can I get in touch?

Yes! We are ready to support those who already doing good. We support not-for-profit organizations as well as other content creators in a couple of ways.

1. We can create a custom platform for you. An organizational hub for course delivery, staff and learner communication with a resource library and much more.

2. Scale and increase reach of your online educational resources to schools and community organizations.

You can choose one, the other, both, or perhaps you're a little in-between. It's always good to have a conversation to determine how we can best support you. Contact us at

Can I run classes with Learning for Good?

Yes. One of the services we provide is to create a hub of learning for organizations. An online platform, to administer, manage and facilitate learning. This platform allows the organization to create learner portals with advanced course management. You can bulk register classrooms, manage assessments and gradebooks, and schedule online sessions. Learner, parent and staff communication and staff registration are just a few functions.
Contact us for more information.

How much do the school resources cost?

We have a basic package with an annual subscription for your school or community group. The price increases if you wish to add premium content.
Contact us and let us know about your specific needs.

Do I lose ownership of my content?

No. Your content, your business, your brand is owned by you.

We have two types of content creators:
1. Those who want a learning hub of their own to manage online lessons and run their organization.
2. Those who purely have education resources wanting to scale to schools and community groups.
Learning for Good is here to elevate and support.

Can you support schools with funding?

Yes. If your school is struggling for resources, regional or disadvantaged, we can help by reaching out to our community partners for support.

I use a learning management platform, can LFG make me a better one?

Yes, and let's be clear. An LMS is a Learning Management System, there are many, and they are not all equal.

We are finding clients have limitations with their current LMS which is hindering size and growth. We can integrate any existing system into your new custom Learning for Good LMS, which will allow growth of size, resources and support.

If you do not have a platform, and that's what you're looking for, we are happy to assist.

Contact us either via the contact us form or at

What about the curriculum?

All our program resources are built to be easily referenced to the relevant curriculum for your state. You are free to add resources in the curriculum as you see fit.

What is the Buddy System?

We can connect schools in a buddy system where schools who are financially able, can sponsor disadvantaged schools in remote areas. This will empower teachers and support entire communities with exactly the same resources as the foundation school. This connection can initiate other activities such as visiting each other, performing together and learning more about each other. The possibilities are endless.

Is there a free trial?

Absolutely. Simply fill in our free trial form and we will be in touch. You will have temporary access to our platform to see how easy it is to navigate and use in your classroom.

Can any teacher deliver these resources to a class regardless of training?

Yes! Even our music resources are created in a way that supports teachers to facilitate content outside of their scope. This is just as helpful for musically trained teachers who may want to share the load or find they need to teach "off instrument".

The team at Learning for Good ensure all resources are set up to be easily accessible and ready to use by educators and learners of all kinds.

How do I access the Learning For Good resource portal now we are registered?

Your school will nominate a course administrator for your school's portal access. We will send your school course administrator a username with orientation material. Once they have activated their account, they can add users and give them access to the resources. You can click LOGIN on our main website for access.

How can I get a new password?

Your school nominated course administrator can do this for you. If you are the nominated course administrator for your school, instructions are in the walkthrough video. If you are on a free individual trial, please contact us at

When I login, I can see options to add a student or parent, is this private?

On the Learning For Good platform, we can see your school course administrators and teachers listed as users. Student and parent information is strictly confidential to your organization and managed locally. These details are not visible to us. Personal student or parent details are only seen locally by the school.